Breath-Centered Yoga
This therapeutic class explores the ways in which the use of breath can support and inform the movement of our body. In each class you’ll be invited to use breath to gently coax your body, mind and heart into fluid movement at a depth that feels most appropriate for you in that moment. The class will end with a little extra meditation time, to allow for reflection and an integration of the energies moved during the class. Appropriate for all levels, all bodies.
Breath-Centered Yoga for Bone Health
The same breath-centered yoga you've come to know and love, but each class will use small hand weights in vinyasas (sequences) specifically designed to build bone density and help prevent osteoporosis, as well as increase overall strength and tone, while improving balance, coordination, and flexibility.
Gentle/Restorative Yoga
Still adhering to the principles of breath-centered yoga, this class is a softer practice that includes slower movement combined with postures where the body is supported using props (blankets, blocks and bolsters). Practitioners are encouraged to hold the supported postures longer and find comfort in each pose. This is a wonderful opportunity to de-stress from a long day and restore body, mind, and heart. Includes some guided meditation.